Yamam Nabeel. Waiting for Time
Virtual Exhibition
Art Forward
Yamam Nabeel. Waiting for Time
Art Forward
Virtual Gallery View, Photo: V21 Artspace
© Yamam Nabeel
Virtual Exhibition
It has been 36 years since the predicted world in George Orwell’s 1984. Our world is fundamentally different from the dystopian nightmare in Orwell’s novel. But he was right about one thing - Our reality is only a perception, and it might be manipulated beyond our control.
What we perceive is often not reality itself. With all available mediums to broadcast information, more often than not, we are fed perceived realities.
Therefore, it is extremely plausible to temper reality and create an alternate reality – a fake world.
The information that we are bombarded with on a constant and never-ending stream, through traditional as well as new media, clouds our minds and diminishes our critical thoughts, thus rendering our innate inquisitiveness idle.
We are not seeing what we think we are seeing; we are seeing what we have been taught and conditioned to see.
“We are seeing a story that is created for us.” *
“We don’t have the necessary machinery, and we wouldn’t even want it, to process carefully all of the amount of information that we are constantly bombarded with.” **
Controlling the truth is dangerous in itself, playing with it during a deadly pandemic can have catastrophic consequences, when humans can be caught between perception and reality.
As Londoners were being told to “Stay Home”, a new reality has taken shape for everyone – a different story for each person.
This is an artistic study of truth versus fiction, of digital versus analogue technology, of colour versus monochrome; of old versus new; of reality versus perception.
*quote by neuroscientist Patrick Cavanagh – “Reality” is constructed by your brain. Here is what that means, and why it matters. – By Brian Resnick for Vox - June 22, 2020
** quote by Susana Martinez-Conde, neuroscientist researcher at SUNY Downstate Medical Centre, “Reality” is constructed by your brain. Here is what that means, and why it matters. – By Brian Resnick for Vox - June 22, 2020
Find out more: artforward.media