In the early stages of V21 Artspace, we conducted thorough research to explore how 3D virtual exhibition tours could serve as an alternative method for accessing art exhibitions when physical visits were not feasible. We also considered how these tours could act as pre-visit tools for individuals with anxiety or learning difficulties, helping them to familiarise themselves with gallery spaces before attending in person. Through feedback forms, direct consultations, and partnerships with accessibility-focused organisations, we engaged with individuals facing barriers such as mobility issues, learning difficulties, socio-economic challenges, and geographical constraints. This collaborative research ensured our virtual exhibition offering addressed the needs of a wide audience, creating a more inclusive experience for all.
Our ongoing research ensures that V21 Artspace’s virtual exhibitions continuously meet the accessibility needs of a diverse audience. We implemented features such as intuitive navigation to assist users with learning difficulties, multi-language support to cater to diverse linguistic backgrounds, audio descriptions, and British Sign Language (BSL) for the deaf community. Additionally, we regularly promote new exhibitions through email newsletters and leverage our strong organic Google ranking to grow our audience. By incorporating feedback from users and collaborating with accessibility experts, we ensure that our platform evolves to offer an increasingly inclusive and accessible experience, removing physical and financial barriers to art engagement.