The Place I Call Home
Riverlights Gallery
Morledge, Derby, DE1 2AY
The Place I Call Home | Riverlights Gallery
Virtual Exhibition | Virtual Gallery
Working in partnership with FORMAT, Ffotogallery are delighted to invite you to the inaugural presentation of The Place I Call Home at Riverlights, Derby.
This cross-cultural exhibition, commissioned by the British Council and curated by David Drake, Director of Ffotogallery, presents the work of 13 artists, each using photography to explore the idea of home through the experiences of people living in the Gulf and the UK at a time of rapid change and social mobility.
After scoping visits to all six GCC countries, the curator determined the vision and approach for the exhibition and commissioned several UK and Middle East based artists to produce work responding to its themes. The selected artists reflect a balance of age, gender and professional experience, as well as representation of all six GCC countries. In various ways, the work of the selected artists is about sharing stories of culture and heritage, challenging stereotypes, exploring identities, commonalities and differences.
The exhibition continues in Derby until the 28 September 2019, and tours to three other UK venues (including Ffotogallery’s new home in Cardiff) in addition to all six Gulf states, between September 2019 and March 2020.
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