EXPO 2020
Virtual Exhibition | Virtual Gallery
EXPO 2020
The Bartlett School of Planning | UCL
Virtual Exhibition | Virtual Gallery
University College London
Explore the work of all of our students across undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes in our virtual campus.
The virtual gallery is the reproduction of the North and South Cloister, and the Octagon Gallery, which are part of the Main Building at University College London.
Each piece of student work has an annotation accompanying it, which contains details about the module and any available extra output – this can be accessed by clicking the small icon buttons next to the artwork and the information will be available in a pop-up box and you can click through to view portfolios full screen.
The work is organised across different programs a following:
The North Cloisters: Undergraduate
Introduction to undergraduate programmes
Year one: Urban Lab 1: Graphic Skills
Year one: Introducing Urban Design Skills 1
Year two: Urban Design: Theory to Practice
Year two: Cities and Social Change
Year two: Economics of Cities and Their Regions
Year two: Strategic Spatial Planning
Year three: Urban Design Space and Place
Year three: Real Estate Development
The BSP Podcast: Undergraduate Alumni Episode
Octagon: Digital Library and Research
Undergraduate reports library
Postgraduate reports library
MPhil/PhD Planning Studies
Research: Civic Design Exchange
Research: Evaluating Urban Design Governance
Research: Child Friendly Cities
The South Cloisters: Postgraduate
Introduction to postgraduate programmes
Urban Design: Layout, Density and Typology
Collaborative City Planning Strategy
Urban Design, Place-making
Urban Design Guidance, Incentive and Control
Design and Real Estate
Sustainable Futures by Design
Major Research Projects
Sustainable Urban Development Project
Sustainable Urban Design
Plan Making Studio II
Civic Design CPD
Urban Design Research Project
Business Cases for Infrastructure
From Strategic Vision to Urban Plan
Planning for Housing Project
International Planning Project
The BSP Podcast: Postgraduate Alumni Episode