Distance – Physical and Psychological / Skull Imari
Virtual Exhibition
Speedy Gallery
2525 Michigan Ave., B5B, Santa Monica, CA 90404
Distance – Physical and Psychological / Skull Imari
Speedy Gallery
Installation View, Photo: V21 Artspace
© The Artists, Courtesy: Speedy Gallery
3D Virtual Exhibition Tour
Our modern daily lives are inundated with information. From mass media to one’s own work and personal life, technology bombards us with a constant stream of images. Often, this imagined reality feels as real to us as our actual reality.
In her new exhibition, “Distance – Physical and Psychological,” Masako has created a “new everyday life” that combines what we see in our daily lives along with fragments of the images that flood our smartphones and televisions. Through her work Masako expresses how important it is to distinguish other people’s experiences from our own. In turn, her work begs you to consider the nature of experience through art.
Find out more: speedyartgallery.com
From 5th to 26th March 2022