Objects of Love, Hope and Fear: a World Collection

The Strand, Derby, DE1 1BS

Welcome to Objects of Love, Hope and Fear: A World Collection, a friendly new gallery full to bursting with ordinary and extraordinary objects from around the world. The exhibition is built on a foundation of shared experiences that are common to people across the world and these values, emotions and actions have shaped and informed every step of the project.

The room is arranged into seven zones entitled Consume, Believe, Create, Conflict, Furnish, Adorn and Communicate. Each of objects you’ll experience has a history of human connection, having been crafted, used, loved, lost, stolen, collected, stored or hidden and now displayed with the greatest of respect. They connect to historic events full of horror, joy and everything in between.

From talking drums and wooden pillows, to terrible weapons designed to torture enslaved workers. Each zone will offer both comfort and discomfort and we challenge you to not find something that captivates your head and heart.

Thousands of people worked closely with us to co-produce this stunning display of 1400 objects. We are indebted to everyone who offered their time, energy, skill, honesty and knowledge. The people on the streets of Derby, the co-production volunteers and new friends across the globe who have cleaned, photographed, researched, interpreted and displayed this important collection of objects. It is through being open with each other that we can fully connect.

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Find out more: derbymuseums.org dmworldculture.tumblr.com

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